March 16, 2009

Kursus Kepimpinan Kelab Dan Persatuan

People! I'm just get back from school due to my attending as a secretary of Persatuan Bahasa Melayu to this kursus thingy. This event as for me it was quite interesting. Interesting la kot.
It started at 8.30am and end at 12.00pm. So yeah, now i'm at home facing this lil' lappy of mine and update this so not important thing. Actually, there's nothing to tell about this kursus but just gatal tangan punya pasal. So, i don't care! Nak write jugak. My blog kan, saya punya suka la. Haha.

Uh oh, i've to stop right here i guess. Nak kena bersiap. Going out to One Utama right after this. Papa will send me and Elin there. So, till there peeps! I'm out from this cyberworld for now.

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