July 28, 2011

Harimau Malaya

I know, i'm not really a big fan of football but hey ! Tonight game is a MUST WATCH game.
And yeah, i watched it with papa, mummy and Fadin.
It's Malaysia vs. Singapore
Singapore won the game.

It's okay, Tigers. Better luck next time. Whatever it is Khairul Fahmi played so well tonight. I'm proud.
Singapore causes lots of drama. Maybe lepas ni boleh try audition jadi pelakon pulak. Mana tau boleh jadi popular macam Aaron Aziz and Adi Putra. *sigh.
I'm actually so proud of Harimau Malaya. Our country have the real footballers not actors in the field.
Harimau Malaya, we have so much love for you ! Chin up, boys. 
Again, Khairul Fahmi's performance was beyond amazing tonight. Good job, Apek ! I love you.
Oh next time, don't depends on Safee Sali alone. He needs back up too. 
But, tabik jugak kepada Singapore, they have good defender.
Malaysia still need to learn a lot.

July 25, 2011

I'm not really on the challenge

But i'm more to - a step to a healthier lifestyle - process now.
You can see like 28 small Nestle Bliss bottles in my fridge.
It's not a torturing moment to drink this 2 bottles, morning and night, a day, though since the delicious taste of fruity yogurts provided.
I would love to live my life with a good digestion system that lead to a healthier lifestyle. 

July 20, 2011

Saya dah tengok Harry Potter. Awak dah ?

Okay, sila lempang laju-laju sebab perlakuan saya sangat annoying. *pang. Oh, hari ini saya dapat keluar menikmati udara yang so called segar di luar. Oh la la, hati sangat gembira lagi-lagi bila udara yang segar itu dapat dinikmati bersama girlfriends a.k.a Zephyx saya. Lagi macam hyper semacam kan. The UiTM-ers kan diberi peluang untuk bermaharaja-lela di rumah selama seminggu. So, apa lagi, tidak akan ku lepaskan mereka-mereka ini untuk bermaharaja-lela dengan senang hati. Muahahaha. Ehem, sila gelak dengan sopan ye, Didi. Malu sikit. Aish.

Maka, hari ini, seramai 6 gadis yang comel-comel belaka berjimba di One Utama. Paling excited sekali ialah Edlina Zulfaika kerana niat di hati ingin shopping untuk dinner UiTM, kata nya tetapi satu kedai ke satu kedai masuk, tiada yang berkenan di hati. So, tak pembelian la jawab nya. Cakap pasal shopping, semua dah tau la kan saya ni kaki shopping paling terhandal di muka bumi ni. *Apesal bunyi melampau habis ? Sale everywhere, you know. Surprisingly, I DIDN'T BUY ANYTHING AT ALL. Yes, people. NOTHING. AT. ALL. Sila puji saya okay tapi dalam hati dah buat plan untuk datang lagi Jumaat ni untuk 'berkenalan' dengan sale sale yang bersepah-sepah tu.  Hihihi. 

Eh, awak dah tengok Harry Potter ? Saya dah ! Best tau. Worth it sangat ! Saya tak nak cerita panjang tentang Harry Potter ni sebab nanti ada orang marah sebab bajet bagus konon dah tengok kan. Fine lah, saya tak cerita tetapi cuma nak bagitau, anak Harry Potter sangat handsome dan comel especially his first son.

Ok lah, saya penat, nak campak diri atas katil. Later, next time.

July 17, 2011

Panda eyes

Sleeping pattern is haywire. Getting worst !
Don't tell me, i'm having this serious disease call insomnia ?
I need healthier life. 
It's already 2.30am. Bed, please seduce me. I nak mimpi prince charming ni.

July 16, 2011

A bit outdated but i think they did it very well

Long story cut it short, yesterday i went to One Utama with mum, Fariq, Fadin and the whole bunch. We decided to watch a movie since Fariq's back for his bermalam from boarding school and because mummy pity me. That's how my parents show their consideration to me. Never failed. I mean in term of how boring my life have been at this house for like 24/7 and decided to bring me out to get some fresh air. 

I thought of getting myself a bit updated by watching Harry Potter and The Deathly Hollows Part 2 first but went disappointed after knowing that the tickets have been sold out for that day. Unlucky me. I was being all excited to watch the ending of the popular and such a big phenomena series, i've never been that excited to watch Harry Potter before this. So, automatically my attempt to be a bit updated to new movies was failed. It won't happen and never happened when i'm at Uniten. I'm usually be the first runner up in the line to buy the new movie tickets with friends. I guess i failed to bring the habit at home. 

I thought i've said "Long story cut it short" earlier but it still long, though. Mind me, please. Hihi. When i said i failed to be updated to the new movies in the cinema, it brought me to a bit outdated. No, not really outdated. I can't bare to hold that. I went to watch Transformers : Dark of The Moon since i didn't watch it yet. Eventhough it was a lil bit late but hey, i got to watch it at the cinema instead of buying DVD or download it from wherever you name it. Did i tell you that i'm so excited to watch this movie when the teaser once came out long time ago ? And did i tell you the reason of why i'm very enthusiastic and eager to watch it ?

She's the main reason for putting so much enthusiastic in me to watch this. I memang suka tengok pretty girls.

Overall, the movie was good and i was hypnotized by their animations. Of course, their technology that they have in Hollywood made them to produce such a good animation in return. While watching the movie yesterday, i even dreamed of having that kind of sexy car that can be handle by itself without my leg press the accelerator pedal, hands on the steering, left hand take care of the gear and it can be a robot as well. How cool the vehicles can be, no ? I'm like a 4 year old kid who fantasize all of that in my mind while watching the movie. As cliche as it may sound, somehow, i would like it to be real as in reality. Too much of TV ey. 

Sorry lah kalau i letak ni je but i suka Bumblebee lebih. Siap menangis bila dia hampir kena bunuh.

Honestly, after i've watched the movie, i've been so hyper and ended up burned RM250 at Watsons ONLY. WOAH ! *Penyebab extra hyper ialah adik beli 12 pieces macarons for me, sebenarnya.

July 14, 2011


It wasn't happened to be that bahaya la kan sampai boleh buat mati or pengsan masuk hospital semua tu. That's just nonsense sangat la kan.

Apa benda la sampai i boleh cakap bahaya siap dengan CAPS LOCK bagai kan ? Ni nak cerita ni. Did i tell you about how boring i am yang 24/7 in the house sampai rupa matahari and hujan pon dah macam tak kenal kan ? Ada bagitau kan ? I rasa ada. So, since that's happening to me right now, i cuba la godek godek bermacam-macam laman sesawang yang wujud untuk mencari something yang boleh menghilang kan kebosanan i yang dah mencapai tahap maximum ni. Obviously, i cari semua laman sesawang yang berkaitan dengan hollywood celebrities and their fashion styles. Bajet hollywood sentiasa. Hihihi. Oh, did i mention about i even asked my dad about any interesting websites that i can go through ? Yes, i did asked my dad, though. I know ! That boring, huh.

So, dah berhari hari asyik godek-godek ni kan, i terjumpa la satu website yang super cool, extremely awesome and beyond fabulous. Actually, i jumpa dua website yang so so so best. Haih, dalam banyak-banyak yang digodek, dua website je yang best dijumpai ke ? The answer is YES. Ni bukan setakat best je but so so so BEST. It's like a game but not really a game.

Have you ever heard about Polyvore ? I'm sure ramai yang dah tau kan since i sorang je yang agak katak di bawah tempurung sikit. So, baru la nak discover benda super cool macam ni kan. Okay, let it be, janji i sangat gembira jumpa benda ni. Polyvore ni ialah tempat dimana kita boleh mencantum-cantumkan clothing item di internet di atas satu canvas yang telah disediakan di laman ini dan bila kita sudah berjaya menyiapkan semua cantuman yang kita suka, ia dipanggil 'set'. Kita boleh buat banyak sets yang kita mahukan. Beribu-riban pon tiada masalah. Pernah tengok majalah Vogue ke, Seventeen ke, or berbagai-bagai majalah lain yang mempunyai pages yang seperti collage di mix & match kan baju inspired by the celebrities ? Macam tu jugak lah di Polyvore ni. Kalau tengok magazine-magazine berkenaan, macam teringin nak mix & match sendiri kan walaupun dalam hati tau tidak punyai bakat yang gah dan hasil yang tercipta mungkin tidak akan menjadi sehebat di dalam majalah tapi kini, per setan kan semua tu. You've the chance and grab it ! Everyone have their own style and taste to show the world. Janji, you've fun doing it.


Besides Polyvore, i jumpa satu lagi website yang tak kurang hebatnya which is Looklet. Looklet ni pon lebih kurang sama seperti Polyvore. Bezanya clothing items di looklet ini bukan di cantum-cantumkan di atas canvas tetapi di atas badan-badan slim & slender model-model yang disediakan. Lagi macam WOW kan sebab boleh nampak how it will looks like when the clothing items we chose on the body. You can choose the model to be use, the clothing items and the background.


Gambar-gambar diatas ni sumber daripada google. I don't put mine just yet since mine all half way done. So excited you know play around with these two website sampai tak nak tidur and that's why i said it's BAHAYA. Oh ye, ada orang cakap kalau bosan, kenapa tak main game je ? I'm not the type who's into game that much but bila dah boring tahap dewa cenggini, memang i layan habis-habisan semua jenis game elektronik adik lelaki i yang bersepah kat rumah ni. Playsation la, PSP la and so on, semua dah balun wa cakap sama lu tapi boring jugak. With these two websites je, memang terus hilang boring. Sampai kadang-kadang, boleh duduk depan lappy almost 24 hours. Ehem, takde lah 24 hours sangat, dah tolak solat, makan, mandi semua but almost la kan. It's addictive much. Atleast, i dah jumpa something beneficial untuk dibuat dirumah tanpa keep on complaining how lifeless i am by staying at home doing nothing. Beneficial sangat kan. Hihihi. I wonder when can i get those beautiful tops like those in Polyvore and Looklet. Nak shopping, please.

July 12, 2011


Ikea ? What's wrong with it ? Ikea ada buat sale 70% ke ? Oh, no no no. It's not that. I'm not writing about the furniture although i memang suka sangat perabot-perabot Ikea yang memang tersangat lah adorable. Kadang-kadang datang Ikea, hanya semata-semata untuk mencuci mata dan berangan-angan bilik tidur akan menjadi sangat comel seperti ditunjukkan dekat Ikea tu. 

I don't know why tapi memang habit i yang akan mengulas panjang tentang sesuatu yang jauh daripada topic sebenar.*sigh. Berbalik kepada topic Ikea i ni, sebenarnya ada sebab lain jugak kenapa i suka menjejakkan kaki i dekat sana. Faktor utama nya ialah makanan yang sangat delicious. I ni memang pantang makanan-makanan sedap. Mana tak badan pon bagai dipam-pam kan. Exercise nya payah bukan main. Paksa diri guna treadmill pon seminggu 2 3 kali je.

Tadaaa ! Oh yeah, this is meatball from Ikea, people. I swear it's so sedap, tak tipu. I selalu pergi sini dengan family, cousins and sometimes with friends. The price is not expensive at all pon and yet still so sedap like you makan makanan mahal. I mean, it's so worth it la. Even, worth sangat since harga tak sampai rm20 pon and you can get delicious meatball just like that. Untung ke tak untung tu.

Other than meatball ni, i paling suka daim cake yang di jual kat Ikea tu. Sedap sehingga menjilat fork since i ate it with fork. Takkan menjilat jari pulak kan bila dah makan dengan fork. See, i tengok gambar atas tu je pon dah macam meleleh okay. Cake ni sangat yummy and you should try it to whoever yang tak pernah try lagi especially to those yang sweet tooth addict like me. You won't be dissapointed with it. 

Oh yeah, one more thing. I've never like currypuff but not until i met currypuff from Ikea. Since that, i boleh jadi currypuff lover yang sejati but i just eat currypuff from Ikea. Currypuff lain i tak makan, it's not that i don't eat other currypuff. Makan tu makan but sekadar kalau orang hidang, jamah sikit sebagai adab. Kalau mummy or papa beli kat rumah, i memang tak makan but if it's from Ikea, only then i'll eat. Nak tau kenapa i suka sangat currypuff from Ikea ? Sampai daripada tak makan currypuff langsung sampai now boleh label diri sebagai currypuff lover pulak kan. It's because inside the currypuff, they put egg in it. The taste is different from other currypuff and it's absoulutely the best that i've ever tasted. Atleast, my taste liked it. 

Sekarang dah craving nak meatball and daim cake. Gotta drag myself to Ikea soon ni. Padahal, rumah takde lah jauh mana pon nak ke Ikea tu. 

July 11, 2011

Lifeless Hermana

Buenas noches, señoras y señores.

Did i just speak Spanish ? Oh la la, so sexy. NOT. Okay, remind me again why did i want to write here ? Oh yeah, because i'm so lifeless that i've nothing to do until i've decided to pollute my blog with a lil' bit crap here.

So people, as you can see, i've changed my URL blog since at my level now i can't cooperate with complicated long names. Now, it have changed to a simpler yet sophisticated one. When i said sophisticated, of course it have to include my name which is FATEEN DAYANA in it. Yada yada yada... Ignore my behavior. Getting worst, i know. Heh.

Can you actually believe that i've been staying in the house like 24/7 during this holiday period ? And the best part is staying in without doing anything that seems benefit to myself. I know ! I can't believe myself either. I wonder what happened to me. I'm still trying to figure myself out. This is a bad habit. I can't stay like this until September. I need my social life back, mingle around with people, get out and do some shopping with family and friends.

Korea fanatic ? Well, that's me ! Like i've mentioned earlier, 24/7 in the house, right ? This is what i do, watching handsome and cute boys in the Korean dramas especially with Lee Minho in it, listen to Korean boybands songs especially 2PM. It never failed to give me heap of joy. Can't never stop aww-ing all the time.  Just so you know, i like/love guys who have sepet eyes. They are super adorable.

What else i should write ? Me no no idea anymore. Lifeless kan. Anyhow, i'll be updating this anytime soon. No promise, kay. Eh, i tak sabar nak puasa. Byebye.

Not so newbie


Just wanna tell the that i've change my blog URL
from :

Much simpler, no ? 

Thank you. :)

July 6, 2011


If at the end you find the person you've become is not the person you want to be, you can always turn around and try again.

I know u love me,
xoxo, Gossip Girl.

July 1, 2011

Mi Encanta CHANEL

How i wish i can own this pair of Chanel ballerina flat.
It can even cost me for about RM1k just to get this flats.
I'm so gonna buy this one day, i mean Chanel since i love their designs.

Random Thoughts #5

1. Getting really fun doing this random thoughts thingy

2. I don't stick at home when Friday and Saturday arrive. You can't never see me at home from morning till midnight.

3. I'm reading Judith McNaught's book. Amagawd, romance book is love.

4. I REALLY need to start diet and exercise. No carbs is much preferable.

5. I didn't get to go out much with friends since i've no car to drive.

6. Tutti Frutti, Pavlova, Haagen Dazs, and etc. You just name it. Desserts are more tempting than the main course.

7. I need cash to survive

8. Can't wait to shop for Raya.

9. That's it for now. Okbai