April 2, 2011

Hello 19 !

First of all, i want to greet a big welcome to April. Saya sangat happy dengan 1st day of the month itself. Since 1st of April is my 1st day i've been introduce to the world. Being a 19 years old GIRL never been easy but it's fun as long as you have your beloved ones around you such as family, lovely friends and boyfriend. In my case, i ada family and lovely friends, exclude the boyfriend since i don't have one and not planning to have one yet.

So, i akan pendek kan post untuk this one about the surprises yang my lovely friends buat for my 19th birthday. I mean like 2 surprises from them in a day ?! That's just great of them. It's a long story but i'll make it a post for that. I'm waiting for the pictures from Aqeela Ismadi's DSLR, Ayu's camera and Tasha's camera. Oh uh, tengah tunggu the videos from them jugak. Trust me, i'm a happy girl that ever alive. They made it real for me.

Muchas gracias for the all pink and Hello Kitty presents. I love it like really into it. I didn't expect any presents from anda-anda semua after the cupcakes celebration and all. It's just too thoughtful of you guys done this to me. I'm speechless and beyond happy with it. Bak kata Nur Idayu Idrus and Alifah, I'm a princess now. So excited and joyful !

p/s: Will make another post for the long story of my birthday celebration. Waiting for the pictures from them.

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