July 1, 2008

skip skewl wif a reason

today just a normal day like others but da different 4 today is i skipped from skewl..
DuH! padahal mcm slalu je x dtg skewl rse nye..
today bley dikatakn my family suma skipped from skewl n work..
but my mom n my sis yg kt cyberjaya 2 x skipped la..
i followed my mom 2 her clinic n my bro, fariq n my dad stayed at SMC(s'gor med. cent.) tmn my younger bro, fadin..
my bro fadin was admitted 2 da hospital 4 1 nyte which is yesterday b'coz of kwosaki virus..
n i plak ade appointment wif my ONG(obstretician n gynecologist) 4 my anatomy healthy check up..
i've got some problem there wif my girls hormon thang..;)
act. my ONG is my mom's friend..
so, i'm not so called afraid wif her..
i'd a lot of procedure had been do there.. i MEAN a load..
scanned, checked, n bla bla bla~
juz da 1st visit suda cost around rm300..
aiyoo! itu my mom's friend 2.. kalau bkn kwn dunno what da price..
dis 29th of july, i've 2 meet up da ONG again 4 check up..
suda boring mau update dis blog..
till then.. taa~

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