October 15, 2009


Again, i come with a video and the video might put an annoying face to others who can't bare it. So, please stay out and thank you.

Isn't this SHINee?
But why it is here?
This is their new album, isn't it?
OMG! Yes, it is. This is SHINee and this is their new album that will release out soon.
Once again with my OMG! exciting, they are coming back for comeback stage. I'm happy for that and as ussual can't wait for the real MV.
Their teaser video is so much more encouraging yet massive changes with new styles and again can't wait for the real one.

p/s: I'm hoping to get this album but do not know how to get it as SHINee album is hard to get in Malaysia. A lil' help, anyone?

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