July 29, 2012

Green weekends

Why did i said 'Green weekends' ?

Mind my so called-syok sendiri self camera- moment. Hihihi.

On Saturday night for Tarawih at Masjid Wilayah.
How did my mummy smile so beautifully, again ?
Aww, my mummy is always the cutest and prettiest. The ustazah in the family, i might say. *coughcough
Oh, did i mention about i did my Tarawih on weekends at Masjid Wilayah ?
Tarawih dekat Masjid Wilayah ni boleh feeling-feeling dekat Madinah la sikit kan sebab tak pernah menjejak kan kaki ke sana lagi tapi hanya mendengar daripada mulut mummy dan papa yang pernah pergi je la. 
It's an amazing mosque, seriously guys.
The imam, the people, the surrounding, the way the imam read the surah and everything about it are just so beautiful.
And it's so comfortable too.
Every weekends for this year Ramadhan, i'll be performing Tarawih at Masjid Wilayah, insyaallah.
Everyone should come and experience doing Tarawih at Masjid Wilayah. It's really an amazing time, there. 

Gambar makanan di bulan puasa ? 
Harap maaf. Bukan berniat untuk membuat sesiapa terliur tapi hanya sekadar ingin berkongsi rutin harian sepanjang Ramadhan di kala ingin membuka puasa sebagai seorang pelajar universiti. Ecewah !
Sama ada membeli makanan di Bazaar Ramadhan Putrajaya yang dah dikenali oleh abang-abang penjual air atau pon membuat tempahan di restoran-restoran yang berdekatan untuk membuka puasa. 
Aaaahh, same old routine. FYI, baru 5 hari berpuasa di universiti tetapi perasaan- nak call mummy suruh masak makanan favorite dan hantar ke universiti tiap hari-yang membuak-buak itu sudah ada. 
Sedih bukan ? Takpe, bulan puasa, bulan menguji kesabaran. Hmm. 
Setiap kali hari Jumaat menjelma, diri ini seakan-akan ingin melompat kegembiraan seperti kanak-kanak riang kerana sudah tiba masa nya untuk pulang ke kampung halaman. Ceh, padahal Rawang je pon. Takpe, janji bahagia. Teehee. 
So, bila nak hari Jumaat ni ? Eh, hari ni baru hari Ahad ? Saya masih belum melalui hari Isnin, Selasa, Rabu, Khamis ? Haih, hidup. 

July 25, 2012

Ramadhan Al Mubarak

Motif gambar ? Tak dapat di kenal pasti lagi motif nya. LOL

It's never been too late to wish Ramadhan Kareem, no ?
Dah hari ke-5 dah umat Islam berpuasa dan baru sekarang saya berkesempatan untuk menulis di blog.
Al maklum la, sibuk. Saya tau, alasan cliche sentiasa. Hihihi.
So, dengan ini saya ingin memberitahu bahawa tahun ini sempena bulan Ramadhan yang mulia ini, saya berpuasa di UNITEN PUSAKA TERSAYANG. 
Tipu kalau cakap tak sedih dan tipu jugak kalau cakap tak happy. Faham tak apa yang saya cuba sampaikan ?
Maksudnya sedih sebab tidak dapat berpuasa di rumah bersama family tercinta seperti tahun lepas tetapi happy sebab dapat berpuasa di Uniten bersama kawan-kawan terutama bersama Gedixlicious tersayang. Pergi bazaar Ramadhan bersama, bukak puasa bersama walaupun masing-masing rumah lain-lain. Well, it's actually nice. Not that bad but the bad part is that, i don't feel comfortable at all being at my own apartment. The only place in my apartment that i'm comfortable with is my room. 

Last but not least, i wish to all Muslim;

July 12, 2012

Without early notice

The moment when you don't feel like to leave your bed but you have to fight your own self to wake up to get ready to lab and when you're already at the lab, you receive a notice at the lab door stated "Unsupervised lab for today".
To make it worst, you're the only one who attend the lab among your friends.
Fuhhhh ! I started to get pissed off right after that. Ya allah.
Now, bring me to any malls to shop !

P/S: If only i can turn up my laptop volume until i can't hear anyone talking. Unfortunately, it's already at the maximum level of it.

July 8, 2012

So called 'shoe lover'

This explains why i love shoes so much. Be it heels or ballerina flats. 
Somehow, choosing a right shoe can give a major affect for you to go through a day. 
Well, at least for me, it does. 

July 7, 2012

Slumber Saturday

So slumber that is. Yes, my Saturday this time is just so slow.
Kenapa slow ? Ini gara-gara Mummy dan Papa, terutama nya tidak membenarkan saya keluar kemana-mana khusus nya shopping mall bersendirian atau ditemani adik perempuan si Elin tu.
"Malaysia ni dah tak selamat lagi tau tak. Lagi-lagi perempuan remaja macam awak ni. Elok-elok sikit kalau nak keluar/drive tu. Jangan berani sangat." kata Mummy.
Mana tidak nya, kes penculikan merata-rata sekarang ni.
Saya hanya dibenarkan keluar ditemani oleh mummy, papa, adik lelaki, kawan - kawan yang dipercayai atau suami sahaja. Suami ? Eh ? Hihihi. *sejak bila aku bersuami ?
So, hari sabtu yang slumber ini, saya harus menemani mummy ke Setiawangsa atas dasar kerja.

Bila dah kata kena teman atas dasar kerja tu, gambar bajet comel tu memang wajib ada dengan alasan bosan menunggu. Sila paham, please. Hihihi. 
Sebenarnya hati ni memberontak untuk ke shopping mall kerana sale yang melampaui batas merata-rata.
Dah biasa pergi sendiri tapi sekarang ?
Ini semua salah enviroment yang dikatakan tidak selamat itu lagi.
Boleh dikatakan tiap-tiap hari kita akan dengar tentang kes penculikan/samun/rogol dan mangsa mesti perempuan remaja. Tau tak semua ni menakutkan saya. SANGAT MENAKUTKAN.
Bias terhadap perempuan remaja betul la. Ish.
Sekarang siapa yang susah ? Fateen Dayana jugak kan.
Sekarang nak kena cari teman shopping dah. Siapa nak teman ? 
Ok Fateen Dayana, i think you can stop now and you can start study for Computer Organization's test. ^_^

P/S: Girls out there, please please please make sure that you're not going out alone because it's just really dangerous to head anywhere alone nowadays. Ya Allah, lindungi la aku daripada semua benda yang menakutkan ini. 

July 6, 2012

Susi taim !

Whenever sushi get through my mind, they will came along too. Let's susi susi again later, girlfriends ! 

Oh, these pictures were taken recently when we had sushi session at The Mines.
This time, we had to minus Ayu because she was busy with her so called being athlete mode activity.
To Alifah, ampun diminta kerana tiada gambar tuanku yang sempat di snap tapi takpe. Fair and square sebab kita pon takde gambar time tu. Hihihihi.

P/S: Perut bermain orchestra apabila sushi menjadi topic hari ini.

July 3, 2012

Hati yang teringin

So, Ayu and i were so bored today and i decided to BBM her eventhough we just an inch away. 
Yes, we are awesome liddat
And guess what sentence did i start my BBM to her with ?

Don't blame me for this.
I was too excited and happy beyond words after watching  Irma Hasmie's wedding.
I was just affected by everything that came out from this wedding. Hihihi.
Subhanallah, everything happened so beautifully.
See, who says you can't be beautiful by covering up ? :')
Your time will come one day, Didi. Insyaallah. Amin.

P/S : I can't stop peeking on Irma Hasmie's wedding pictures and videos. I feel so touched. :')

July 2, 2012

Is it still alive ?

Assalamualaikum and hello beautiful people.

I've been neglecting my blog for so long. I know and i'm aware of that. I'm not going to be all poyo saying that i'm too busy to write and yada yada yada. Honestly, saya rindu untuk menaip di sini dan saya rasa sangat tidak cool kerana terlalu banyak yang saya dah terlepas untuk update so called memories. Too many i tell you. So now, i would like to put a bit of revenge here for today. I want to write something here eventhough it takes me to rant out of nowhere. Saya akan mula menaip sekarang sambil menyanyi mengikut rentak Love Me Like You Do by Justin Bieber. Love me like you do ♪♫ Like you do ♪♫ Hold me tight and don't let go ♪♫ Teehee.

See the pictures up there ? Yes, those pictures were from some part of the memorable events with my loved ones. There are a lot of pictures actually but bila dah lama sangat tinggal kan blog ni, you know the well known virus, we call 'LAYZAY' ? Yes, when the virus is here, saya jadi malas terlampau dan secara automatik nya tiada lah proses muat turun gambar yang berjuta itu di jalan kan. Sorry.

Oh, did i ever mention about our gang's name ? OH YES, OUR GANG FINALLY HAS A BEAUTIFUL NAME TO BE PROUD OF. Actually, it started with a 'Gang Ayu' by some people who labelled us like that and finally we came out of random with 'Gedixlicious'. Sounds so girlish and gedik ey ? Hihihi. I'm loving this and i love being around them. This whole bunch of people who i'm proud to be with and love at heart. Such weirdo girlfriends they are but they are too unique to describe. Yes, my unique girlfriends that i love. So the whole point here is, OUR GANG HAS A NAME AND IT'S GEDIXLICIOUS. Mungkin stalker-stalker sekalian yang mula label kan kitaorang as Gang Ayu dahulu atas sebab-sebab yang tertentu yang saya sendiri tidak mahu nyatakan di sini akan bercakap-cakap kembali tentang nama ini tapi sorry to say, your words won't kill us anymore. Yela, tak semua akan berpuas hati/suka dengan kita, am i right ? But what can i say that who are you to stop us kan. People just won't stop talking even if you stay silent, if that person hates you, she/he will keep on talking about you. Ok dah. Rasa tak baik cerita macam ni. Macam mengaibkan pon ada. Stop it now, Fateen Dayana. Aite aite.

The reason i write in here is actually because i'm trying to show and prove that my blog is still alive. So kecoh, i know right. But what can i do, i'm cool and aweosome liddat ! Insyaallah, i'll write again in here later.