December 29, 2011

Music Festivals

I'm still breathing after the C Programming paper yesterday evening. Alhamdulillah. I have 3 more papers to go before the 2 weeks of holiday. Oh yes, saya cuti dua minggu je, tak macam university lain yang cuti sampai sebulan dua ni. Ok, drop this. I'm here to write about something else. Let's begin !

Do you guys know what i have been waiting for when end of the year is approaching ? The excitement of waiting the 3 huge Music Festivals from Korea which are SBS, KBS and MBC Gayo Daejun every end of the year. I'm always looking forward to watch this every end of the year. The performances are always the amazing ones from the amazing artists.

SBS Gayo Daejun

KBS Gayo Daejun

MBC Gayo Daejun

These are the 3 events that i always look and waiting for every end of the year and when the time comes, i'll always watch it with all the hysterical shout and crazy giggle mixed in. As for this year, 2011, i have final exams to deal with and tell me, how can i not feel sad about it ? These are the 3 events that i can call as important events that i never missed to watch every year and this year, i don't know how it will gonna look like. I'm searching hard for live streaming link and dear broadband, you gotta be good okay.

Oh yeah, SBS Gayo Daejun gonna starts tonight and i've just topup my broadband without my mum knowing it. Teehee. Sorry, mummy. On the 30th, it's gonna be KBS day and on the 31st, will be MBC day. 

I'll write about New Year resolutions on the next post, Insyaallah. Till then. 

December 23, 2011

The thought of giving up ....

It is a lie if i say that i have never thought of giving up. I do have that thought, it's been running through my mind now and then. Whenever i have been through some hardships that i can't handle, i tends to cry and have the thought of giving up everything that i have been working for but i'm glad to have Allah and my mummy by my side all the time. 

Whenever i feel like to give up on everything in life, i will think of my family especially my parents who have been there for me every time i need them especially mummy. Whenever the 'give up' word running back and forth through my mind, i'll always think this way "I want to give up just because i have been tested by God for some small hardships and i can't even handle that ?" Mummy and papa have been raised me up for 19 years now without any complaining and they have never thought of giving up on me and why should i think of giving up on myself, then ? Am i right ? Being under pressure in university is normal, based on what my parents said and i have to agree with that. Sometimes, i just can't handle it and ended up being emo or weeping all by myself . 

Mummy once said ;

"You can always cry whenever you want to. You can cry a night, a week or even a year because tears is the only way when your heart can't speaks a word. Tapi you have to remember that Allah is always there with you. Even you cried, He knows what makes you to cry. As long as you always pray to Him, He will always listen and He is the only one who can help you. No one else can."

Honestly people, it is true. Never forget that Allah is actually with you for 24/7. He will always listen and watch. So, He knows everything.  He keeps me going and He give me the strength to live my life. Whenever i'm about to give up, i will always cry and pray to Him ask for strength.

As a human being living in this world, it's normal to be under pressure once in awhile. If not, where's the fun goes at, no ? It's actually makes me to be matured in a way. As you can see, i'm a 19 years old girl, a university student, people see me as a matured girl just because of my physical showed that but to be honest, i'm far from being matured. I act like a kid, most of the time. Sometimes, i play around too much and didn't take things seriously when it needed to. So yeah, i need to change. Change in a better way, of course. I need to think and act like an adult since i'm one now. I can't always simply give up whenever i feel like to. It's such a shame, no ? Let's change to a better person !

p/s: Don't ever think of giving up. We have been through a lot and it's waste just to give up everything we have done before. Keep on pray, pray and pray. Allah is always listening indeed He is now.

December 22, 2011

Kejam nya

" You are what you eat."

I think this quote is being cruel to me. If you know what i mean by that. LOL.
Lagi stress, lagi bertambah makan nya. 
Daripada pantang nasi, sekarang nasi pon bantai.
#sosadcandie :'(

p/s: Maksud sebenar quote ni ialah sangat berbeza dengan apa yang saya cuba sampaikan di atas ni ye. Harap maklum.

December 21, 2011

How i wish i can turn back time

Yes, i tau final exams dah nak dekat, indeed terlampau dekat dah and people must be like "Apa hal minah ni siap boleh bersuka ria update blog bagai kan ? PERGI STUDY LA WOII !" Sorry la but i nak jugak update blog kali ni. Nak lepas rindu kat blog yang dah lama terbengkalai ni. Kesiannya awak, wahai cik blog. Lepas ni, Insyaallah sambung balik study. 

So, as you can see from my previous post, which was about the quickly random thoughts, i memang banyak gila konon random thoughts yang cerita sedih tak nak kalah kan. Kononnya hidup i sebagai university student ni sangat menderita, menyedihkan dan melalui penuh onak duri. (Excuse my BM, please) Kalau Puan Fuziah, cikgu Bahasa Melayu i masa sekolah menengah dulu baca ni, agak-agak banyak tatabahasa dibetulkan ni and confirm sedih tengok bekas pelajar buat ayat BM tunggang terbalik. Maaf, Puan Fuziah. Saya cakap bahasa pasar je dalam kehidupan seharian, takde bahasa baku dan bahasa berlenggang lenggok ni. Hish, ni dah melampau sangat lari topic ni. Jauh tersasar daripada topic. -_________- 

Back on the track people. 'How i wish i can turn back time', "Time apa yang kau nak turn back kan ni ?" "Kau ingat kau doraemon boleh balik ke masa dulu ? Please la Didi. Wake up !" I know i'm not a doraemon or some sort of like that but ONLY IF i can turn back time, i'm seriously want to be at my highschool years back. 

I miss those moment :

#1 Bila time Sejarah dengan Sir Magandran, rasa macam seorang ayah datang masuk bilik tidur anak-anak dan menceritakan bedtime stories kepada anak-anak kesayanganya tanpa jemu walaupun dia tau some of his 'anak-anak' can't never go along with history. Sir Magandran with his motivation words to us like every single day. 

#2 Time account bila Puan Tee ajar kat depan sambil menjerit-jerit tak padan dengan badan nya yang kecik, some of the friends will ajuk balik apa yang dia cakap. I mean like they love to imitate her way of talking back then. In the annoying way, of course. 

#3 The moment where, time my group buat english oral test as i'm being the narrator sambil lagu Jai Ho by The Pussycat Doll as the background music and classmates suma nak mula menari. 

#4 I still remember the moment where Jun, my chinese friend menyanyi lagu melayu, jiwang rock kapak punya dengan Najwa dekat bilik bahasa. Kalau dengan Najwa, of course la lagu harus jiwang rock kapak tahap dewa kan. ^^

#5 Paling kelakar bila time spot check, satu kelas menggelabah since ramai classmate yang bawak phone and benda-benda yang tak sepatutnya di bawak macam DVD and so on so forth. Lagi-lagi chinese guys with their cute hairstyle. Ala-ala Korean gitu kan. Kadang-kadang kalau tengok rambut diorang dipotong depan mata, i sendiri yang macam sedih kan, "Ala, kenapa potong rambut dia yang cool tu? Nanti tak comel macam Korean guys dah." Macam over sangat pulak kan but it's true. Luckily, class i memang tempat menternak pengawas-pengawas ni kan, maka our class selalu dapat tau awal bila spot check akan dijalan kan. So cool kan. Untung kan dalam class bersepah-sepah pengawas sampai sakit mata tengok baju semua colour biru je. 

#6 Rindu melepak kat sekolah sampai petang dengan kawan-kawan sebab ada aktiviti. Kadang-kadang, pakai  baju sekolah daripada pagi sampai ke petang. Bayangkan lah haruman dia macam mana kan. Haruman dia semerbak haruman kasturi. 

#7 Kalau bosan bila cikgu ajar, keluar dua orang dua orang jumpa cikgu cakap "Cikgu, kteorang nak pergi toilet." Lepas tu, bukan ke toilet tapi tiba-tiba sampai 1 geng pergi ronda 1 sekolah macam tak pernah tawaf satu sekolah kan. Kira, dalam 5 hari sekolah tu, 5 kali la kteorang tawaf sekolah tu tapi tak kira pulak kalau sehari tu dah sampai 3 4 kali kteorang tawaf sekolah kan. Ala, zaman hingusan, biasa la kan. ^^

#8 Hobi paling digemari, kalau tau subject after rehat tu membosankan, kteorang 1 geng akan melengah-lengahkan masa masuk ke kelas kalau boleh sampai masa subject masa tu habis. Kalau tak habis lagi, kadang-kadang kteorang pergi bilik guru konon-konon nak cari mangsa iaitu guru-guru untuk beramah mesra macam tak pernah jumpa setahun lama nya. Cikgu-cikgu pulak rajin melayan. Lagi kadang-kadang sembang tak ingat dunia.

#9 Paling best bila, i, Najwa and Yong yang merupakan orang kuat Sidang Redaksi majalah sekolah, tempat lepak terbaik ialah confirm confirm la bilik sidang redaksi. Ada air cond pulak kan. Yela, duduk dalam class kipas je. PANAS BABE ! Lagi-lagi kalau time takde elektrik, kalah sauna. -_______-

#10 Time exam lagi seronok, my class sangat sangat mengamalkan sharing is caring and sharing is loving. Bagus betul budak-budak ni kan. Susah nak jumpa tau. Kalau setakat nak jawapan ni, kenyit-kenyit mata je, Straight away bagi. Kteorang siap dah belajar bahasa isyarat terbaik punya. Isyarat ape korang nak ? Tangan, kaki, kepala, rambut, tudung ? Semua ada. Heeee.

#11 Suasana time perhimpunan tiap isnin, 1 geng memang akan sentiasa duduk barisan paling depan walaupun salah seorang datang lambat. Budak-budak class pon dah tau geng kteorang memang akan duduk paling depan. So, kira macam tempat kteorang dah di reserved kan tanpa perlu bayar. Hebat kan ? Bangga jap. 


Well, kalau nak list kan semua, memang tak kan habis la kan. Sesibuk-sibuk zaman sekolah dulu pon, we still had so much fun and dulu ayat 'STRESS' pon tak pernah wujud dalam kamus hidup ni. Entah entah, kenal pon tidak. Kalau sekarang, kerja nak emo 24 jam je kan. Masalah sungguh. Haih, university life, kenapa la kau ni menyeksa kan sungguh ? Please tolerate la sikit.

December 18, 2011

The unusual weekend

Sunday is here and guess where am i ?


Okay, stop it, Didi. You're already 19 that going to be 20 soon and it's not something cool to be brag off. Well, to be honest, i'm here during weekend for a reason. A pile of undone assignments. That is the main reason why i'm still stuck in this zone.


Enjoy the teaser for the project :

I'll post the final product once our group has submit the project to our lecturer to be evaluated. Thanks to the whole team mates especially Ayu and Kutik. The outdoor work was so tiring when we have to deal it under the sun. Not to forget our main cast, Zarith Sofia and Alif. Thank you so much to cooperate with us. We had so much fun with you guys and you guys are so sporting. Made it so easy for everything. Big thanks for everyone that involved. 

December 15, 2011

Random Thoughts #6

I'm going to make a quick post here.

1. As can be seen, my life is too hectic nowadays. Blame it on assignments and final exams that coming to make war with me.

2. It's already mid December. Like seriously ? Time flies that fast, huh. December suppose to be fun but where's the fun go ? God knows where.

3. I've been through a lot along from mid November till now. Stress, cry, and emo. This three blend into me.

4. I want to be stress-free so badly.

5. I want January 2012 to come fast.

6. I eat a lot like no one cares. I'm fat enough. Blame the stress ! *sigh

7. Break out too much on the face. I even don't have the time to do facial. Again, with the stress. Gally keep on slot in an appointment for me like every weekend and i ended up cancelled it. Sorry, Gally. I'm too busy -_______-


9. Degree life is so hectic. Can die.

10. I'm a big fan of 2PM and the biggest fan of 2PM Nichkhun and 2PM Wooyoung. Stress-free whenever i watched them on videos.

11. B Y E

December 7, 2011

Wordless Wednesday 002

I'm not saying that i am in love, i'm just saying that lately, he's been all i can think about.